Food bag
Food compound bag
Food vacuum bag
Standing at the end
Yin and Yang bag foo
Standing at the end
Lateral organ pet fo
Pet food packaging b
Food vacuum bag, coo
Three sides sealing
Food compound bag
Pet food packaging b
Composite aluminum f
Dried food packaging
[Industry news] The development of quality control of food packaging industry
Thedevelopmentofqualitycontroloffoodpackagingindustry 1:tostrengthenthesupervisionofgovernment Inorde發布時間:2014-09-09 點擊次數:54 -
[Industry news] New materials development trend of soft packaging for food
Foodiscloselyrelatedtopeople'shealth,hygieneandsafetyoffoodisthemostimportant,sothefoodpackagin發布時間:2014-09-09 點擊次數:31 -
[Company news] The significance of plastic code
Thesignificanceofplasticcode Plasticadditivesalsoknownasplasticadditives,polymer(syntheticresin)waswhe發布時間:2014-09-09 點擊次數:105