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          Flat bottom bag in order to count as a food packaging bag?

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          Flat bottom bag in order to count as a food packaging bag?

          Release date:2014-09-09 00:00 Source:http://www.youlabo.com Views:

            The definition of food packaging bag is in direct contact with food, used for holding food containers and maintenance of film.

            A bag of plastic film production should use food grade packaging materials, usually more than two layers.

            Food packaging should be marked with information: food name, food ingredients, nutritional components, the implementation of standardized, shelf life, storage, cooking methods, manufacturer information.

            A bag in the planning can be divided into: food packaging bags, food packaging bags, inflatable vacuum food packaging bags, food packaging bags, cooking and boiling food packaging bags and functional food packaging bags.

            Plan vs. plan vs. print vs. composite vs. curing vs. cutting vs. bag vs. vs. products quality inspection

            The QS symbol

            The QS symbol is the food quality and safety market access symbol, namely food production license symbol, symbol to symbol QS quality. Companies in the food produced by QS company is committed to the symbol, indicating the goods passes the inspection, the basic requirements of food quality and safety of the combination of. The implementation of food quality and safety market quasi standard food factory is necessary in the packaging or label printed (paste) QS no QS symbol, symbol, shall not be manufactured for sale. At present, the implementation of food quality and safety market access standards of our country food more than three batches of 28 kinds of food.

          Related Tags :平底袋

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